Thursday, November 10, 2005

So, what is PTPMO ?

It's a feeling thing, an attitiude thing, a reflection on society kinda thing!

Yeah, yeah, OK, but what do the letters stand for ?

It stands for People That Piss Me Off!

Wow, erm, isn't that a bit sort of, well you know....attitudanal ?

Yep, absolutely. However, this isn't the bog standard "I hate Americans because....blah, blah, blah!". It's actually a foundation behind a growing belief that I uphold that specific individuals really hack people off becasue of their indifferent or uncaring attitude to people around them.

So, is this about pandering and re-enforcing typical sterotypes then ?

Absolutely not. Pigeon holeing is unfair against individuals. If a BMW driver is obnoxious and drives aggresively then it does not justify categorising them all as being the same. This site is about naming and shaming individuals.

So, it's not about whinging about people who drive slowly, meander on the pavement, or just generally irritate then ?

Nope. This is about pointing out real People That Piss Me Off. For example, the teenager on the delayed 07:10 Reading to Paddington train on Wednesday 12th November.

Which one ?

The one who went yack, yack, yack, yack at a high volume about her inferior school friends in High Wycombe, her inadequate boyfriend, her father who's wants to take her on the annual christmas tip to Florida so that he can play golf. Does that narrow it down ?

But isn't that cruel, putting in the public domain something that's private ?

Hey, if she's going to blab it out in a loud voice, she clearly 'aint concerned about privacy.

But why are you doing this ?

Because, this blog is going to grow, grow, grow...It's going to become mainstream, it's going to gain publicity, it's going to be read by many people. Finally, people are going to shut up and be a bit more discrete about how they talk in public. This'll be a bonus to those of us WHO DON'T WANT TO LISTEN!


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